This file contains pointers to current documentation.
Java2 RE or Java2 SDK 1.4.1 or better:
Open Source alternatives have not been tested. Experiences are welcomed.For compiling you need to have installed:
And optionally:
To install JReferences simply type:
./configure make make install
By default the software is installed in /usr/local. You can install it elsewhere by doing:
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make installor
./configure --prefix=${HOME}/jreferences
Three other parameters are of interest: --with-xercesdir, --with-log4javadir and --with-sgmldir. For more information, type "./configure --help".
JReferences can store references in a file database (by default) or in a MySQL backend. To do this you need the use the --mysqldb option with the executable and set up MySQL:
shell> mysql Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 3.23.43-debug-log Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql>At this mysql prompt you type:
mysql>create database jrefsYou can use an other name than "jrefs". You can customize it in the sqldb.prefs config file.
As of version 0.8, JReferences uses Java classes created with Castor from the BibTeXML XML Schema (0.99). The API for these classes is available.
The general location to find more information is at the SourceForge Project page for JReferences. There is a mailling list for posting questions, you can file bugs and wishes there, and a latest version can be downloaded there.